Future For Nature Academy Day 2024

Let's look back on a great event!

This event has passed

Saturday, April 20, 2024



Lumen/Gaia, Wageningen University Campus

Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708PB

About Event

Let's look back on an amazing FFN Academy Day!

The FFN Academy Day of 2024 was a great success! We happily look back on a day filled with conservation inspiration and optimism, and hope you do too. We were joined by over a 130 young people with a passion for nature conservation, and of course the FFN Award winners of 2024! This year's winners are Rinzin Lama, Hana Weaver, and Callie Veelenturf. Callie was not able to join the FFN Academy Day, but she did record an amazing video message for attendees, which you can watch back here.

The day was led by our amazing hosts Freek and Mathilde, and we thank Alex van Hooff for giving a great opening speech. Participants could choose from different workshops and lectures spread over two parallel sessions. Want to know what you missed? Click the links below and read all about the different sessions!

The Whale Poo Seamulation
Wolves in the Netherlands
Vulture conservation: Stay Calm and Carrion
Your Conservation Skills Toolbox Workshop
Documentary screening and Q&A with John D. Liu

Thank you to everyone who joined and helped make it a great day. We hope to see you soon at one of our other events!

View all picture of this event here!

Published on Feb 18, 2024

Published on Feb 18, 2024

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Join the network of young conservationists for a better future for nature.

Passion. inspiration. Conservation.

FFN Academy is a national network of students and young graduates with a passion for nature conservation.

Future For Nature Academy © 2023

Webdesign by Mathijs Megens

Passion. inspiration. Conservation.

FFN Academy is a national network of students and young graduates with a passion for nature conservation.

Future For Nature Academy © 2023

Webdesign by Mathijs Megens

Passion. inspiration. Conservation.

FFN Academy is a national network of students and young graduates with a passion for nature conservation.

Future For Nature Academy © 2023

Webdesign by Mathijs Megens